Waste management: Different markets – common customs

Waste management: Different markets – common customs

Waste management: Different markets – common customs

No matter what industry you're working in, or how large your company is, you need certified and legally secure documentation of your waste streams. Waste storage must be monitored and controlled, and separate waste collection must be ensured. Digital support for these processes is a must to save you time and resources.

Software solutions from Axians eWaste allow you to easily and quickly model relevant company processes with just a few clicks.

  • Costs can be charged to the points of origin for internal invoices
  • Disposal orders can be centrally managed
  • Smooth communication to the disposal company is ensured
  • Even across national borders!


zwei R software & consulting GmbH

Process optimization and customer benefit

Read about practical solutions to approach any challenge

eANV – electronic waste vertification process

eANV – electronic waste vertification process

One portal for all processes related to waste verification procedures. These are used to handle waste disposal in a legally consistent manner, including signature cards and accessories.
Internal Waste Management

Internal Waste Management

The eNATURE software solution bundles all functionalities to meet legal requirements and to manage internal waste management.
Energy, Audit and Environmental Management

Energy, Audit and Environmental Management

Keep an overview of your consumption, quantities and costs at all times and meet all legal requirements according to ISO 14004/ ISO 14001/ ISO 50001 and EMAS.
International waste transportation and disposal

International waste transportation and disposal

A personalized online service portal for you and your customers. From web shop to commissioning and processing to electronic invoice transmission – all from a single source.
Data hub for waste management

Data hub for waste management

Notification portal for simple, international delivery and acceptance of waste (also available in a fully electronic paperless version upon request!).
Mobile solutions for waste management and the environment

Mobile solutions for waste management and the environment

eWaste mobile offers users of the eANVportal and users of other eWaste product family portals mobile access to their data.
Signature accessories for qualified el. (electronic) signature

Signature accessories for qualified el. (electronic) signature

You can find all the signature cards, multi-signature cards, and signature card readers here for the eANVportal and all other application areas.
Public AvaL order data portal for the waste management industry

Public AvaL order data portal for the waste management industry

In order to digitize the exchange of order-related performance data, a new interface standard "AvaL" was defined for waste disposal in a cooperation between the BDE and the waste disposal industry.