Axians eWaste offers you, for a qualified electronic signature on documents in the eANVportal or in other applications, the following signature options:
To the Webshop: Remote signature for eANV and PDF (special offer until 31.12.2020)
To the Webshop: Remote signature for PDF
To the Webshop: Signature Cards
The card reader from REINER SCT combines extensive functionality with excellent design. The card reader offers maximum security with the qualified electronic signature and is multi-application capable.
Together with the corresponding applications, our wired security keyboard with integrated class 2 reader is the serious bouncer at the workplace.
Certified, intelligent and space-saving, as you no longer need another card reader on your desk.
Using the signature pad, your employees and drivers can sign all documents within the software solution eNATUREportal / TRIAS-AMOS mobile with a digital signature.
To the Webshop: Signature Accessories